~Rhia~ (リーア) それはアラビア語で “水で潤う大地” を意味する
幼少期よりバレエ、ヒップホップ、レゲエ等様々なダンスを経験。多くのシアターショー、レストランショー、イベント・パーティーに出演。ベリーダンスのショー以外にも役者とのお芝居での共演なども果たし、 そのダイナミックで表現力に富んだダンススタイルがジャンルを超えて活躍の幅を広げている。現在はNYで取得したピラティスインストラクターとしてのスキルも活かし、恵比寿を拠点にピラティスとベリーダンスを教えるスタジオとして“Rhia☆スタ”を運営。
Samara Adell率いるMosaic Dance Companyに従事。
その他Yousry Sharif, Jehan Kamal, Dalia Carella, Kaeshi Chaiの下で学ぶ。
’16年9月:名古屋World Bellydance Festival優勝
同年10月:マイアミにてRakstar Starlet部門優勝
’18年11月:エジプトNile Group FestivalにてLive部門3位入賞。
同年11月:日本初名古屋にて行われた世界屈指の大会Cairo KhanにてLive部門2位入賞、CD部門優勝を果たす。
’19年10月:マイアミRakstar Rakstar部門準優勝
Her passion as a dancer, as an entertainer grew when she was in Vancouver, Canada studying Classic Ballet during her childhood. Learned variety of dance style through her life such as HIPHOP, JAZZ, REGGAE, HOUSE, FLAMENCO, CONTEMPORARY, and polished her musicality and performance skill through learning piano and theatrical acting.
She started Bellydance in 2008 in NY under Yousry Sharif, Samara, Jehan Kamal, Dalia Carella and many famous dancers. Her passion and spirit of dancing was qiuckly acknowledged and so she joined a dance company called “Mosaic Dance Theater Company”. And also she danced solo at many parties and events. One of a dance event which she is working on is called “LOVE+SOUL=ROAD” aiming for people not to forget about the tragedy happened on 3.11.
She also studied Pilates under Teri Steel at Dance New Amsterdam NY. After getting certified as an Pilates instructor in 2011, Hunter College Fitness Instructor Certificate in 2011, she went back to Japan. Now she has many offers to shows and events as a dancer while she already works as a Pilates instructor and also as an English teacher.
Her lessons in Japan is getting popular because of the mixture of her NY style intensity( Of course!! she learned at a professional dance school) and her passion and hospitality. “Pilates in English” “Bellydance-Pilates” is a new wave she is bring in to Japan!!!